Friday, April 29, 2011

the new tree house!

While Mike's sister was in town, she got to enjoy watching all the kiddos play on our new "tree house", purchased my our HOA and Aunt Pat! It was so kind & generous of her to do this for the kids. It adds all the more FUN at the farm!

the precious Fumusa kids

Oh, Grant, could you be any cuter? I don't think so! :)

Fun cousin time-the first morning it was built, we brought out breakfast w/Aunt Pat before school. (Can't seem to publish the pic w/her in it :( too dark? idk...)

Some current happenings while playing at the new tree house:
*lemonade stand-I think they drank it all
*pecan selling- $.50 for a cup Michael has become quite the salesman. He went door to door (all four of them :), trying to see who might be interested. This particular day he came back empty-handed. Amy ALMOST bought some, but she only had "dollars." Sad...
*slide down the slide and jump on to the trampoline
*one night-playing in the DARK w/four boys (cousin Amy's nephews)who came to celebrate her b-day.
*cousins, friends...oh, the list goes on!


Amy said...

is there supposed to be a picture?

Melissa said...

That is awesome! We need a farm invite!!